Hallucination of Technicolor Proportions!!! By: Gen. Jim Green – 1/10/24 “The Rapture is about to happen! The time is ripe for it!” I even read where non-Christians are writing & talking about this soon-to-be-event. Ho hum. We’ve been thru this many times before... believing in “The Great Escape.” For sure, this supposed Great Escape would stir hope in one’s bosom. Bible prophecy is about to take place, so many believe. It’s “the any-moment, pretribulation RAPTURE,” so we’re told by “sign-seekers” & “Bible experts.” While it is true that the world is in one HELL of a MESS, the MESSAGE is NOT “Fly Away in the Sky,” but “drop to your knees & REPENT!” Sorry to disappoint all you good Bible believing folks & you “hopeful” sinners, but there will be NO RAPTURE!!! (see the articles written by me & our friend Dave MacPherson). My wife & I visited Dave & his wife Wanda several times to discuss this “false hope” of the Church. One of Dave’s books, The Three R’s - Rapture, Revisionism, Robbery, is a must to read. This well documented book is the latest of his 30-year research odyssey in dispensational history. The Three R’s refutes (false prophet/teacher) Hal Lindsey’s The Late Great Planet Earth, in which it has been published in over 52 languages (at the writing of Dave’s book). As stated in my “Rapture” articles, I once was taught & believed in this Hallucination of Technicolor Proportions Rapture stuff. I would have given my very life for it! I had a kind of spiritual psychosis (as millions today are themselves psychotics), i.e. a major mental (or spiritual) disorder in which the personality is very seriously disorganized & contact with reality is impaired. I could envision saints flying upward to meet Jesus in the air (as described in Paul’s First Thessalonians 4:16,17). This, I was taught by our Pentacostal pastor, was the “HOPE of The People... who were ready.” This cult-like, end-of-the-world belief has deceived Millions (with a capital “M”) over the years. But where did this “lie” come from? Read our articles & find out. Don’t take our word for it. Do your very own research. False prophet/teacher H. Lindsey has called the Rapture “The Ultimate Trip” ...no doubt in Technicolor accompanied with your very own personal hallucination!... better than LSD! Other false prophets/teachers call it “The Great Escape,” “The Great Rescue” etc. There are countless books & teachings on this End Time stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I do believe THE END will come, but not by way of this fairytale “up, up, & Away.” And, yes, I do believe there is a New Word Coming. I do not believe in this false “any-moment” rapture view. While there are many well-meaning writers/ preachers/ teachers/ prophets et al. that believe this HOAX, there are others that do not, yet continue to preach/teach/write in order to make $$. Movies have been made off this “Great Scheme” ...mesmerized readers/ viewers “caught up” in their deceit & lies. I can’t condemn folks who desire to ESCAPE this sin-cursed earth. Times are terrifying! The devil is on the WAR PATH against humanity. But our only “escape” is found in Jesus Christ the Lord, not in UN-Biblical rapture. One’s enthusiastic dream can become a nightmare of Hellish disappointment (see Dave’s the Great Rapture Hoax). We all remember the Charismatic Trinity Broadcating Network (TBN) which gave false teachers/prophets a platform to push their books etc. off onto the masses. We all know poisonous bacteria (something you can’t see) will eventually kill you. The same can be said of false/dangerous teachings – you may not see the poison, but they can & will kill you. How many souls have eaten of this pre-trib. poison & have become sick, some die? The “Fly-Away-At-Any-Moment" poison kills one’s desire to “finish their course,” “fight the good fight of faith” “endure to the end,” because you will be RAPTURED at any moment – so why exert any effort to live right? The “once saved always saved” camp are deluded/poisoned as well – don't fear Hell, “God will take you to Heaven no matter how in the Hell you live!” You get my point? THE END... is not here! How many times have I wrote this over the years. Yes, the end will come... in the resurrection. This will be the END of humanity/Satan’s reign but at the same time, the beginning of God’s New World Order in full. I guess by now that Dave & I are not popular. Ho hum. But we are right. All this current “Rapture Mania” will pass like bad gas. It is just another attempt to weaken the Church when a rapture fails to materialize. One may exaggerate his/her false claims all they wish, this will not make what is FALSE, TRUE. “Open your Escape Hatch, the RAPTURE is about to happen,” so we’re told. I’m waiting for the date-setters to set the date for their Hallucinationary event to take place. I’m waiting for this (false) deliverance day to come... and go... leaving millions disappointed once again. What will come is God’s wrath upon the nations & individuals. Count on it! Why not set aside your Biblical mythology & seek God for the truth, the WHOLE TRUTH concerning the times in which we live? May the God of truth reveal the truth to you as He did to me in the late 1970s concerning the rapture: the true “catching up,” the resurrection. |
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